This is a classic favorite! A Pennsylvania Dutch chicken corn soup - complete with rivels (for anyone who doesn't know what rivels are, they are little...
My version of this national Brazilian black bean stew uses a variety of smoked meats and is topped with an orange breadcrumb mixture. Serve with white...
This is a booyah recipe that is adapted from originally a 50 gallon recipe cooked in large 55 gallon cast-iron kettles with a wood fire, most often at...
This is a quick and easy recipe that tastes delicious. Carrots and potatoes, with salsa and meatballs, makes for a hearty, delicious soup that can be prepared...
A new Thai-style twist on basic chicken noodle soup using red curry, red bell peppers, coconut milk, and fresh basil. A fantastic flavor combination that...
My family loves soup and this is one of their favorites. It has lots of flavor and is fairly quick to make. It's primarily a mushroom soup but derives...
This is a wonderful soup that sort of resembles split-pea. I serve it garnished with lemon wedges, and sometimes add grilled chicken breast or cooked and...
This soup is divine and much like you will get at any authentic Turkish restaurant. It has dynamic flavors and a lovely mild heat. I make a big batch and...
Did a lot of research on jambalaya and reviewed a number of recipes and came up with the following. I like white fish and, while not traditional, added...
This hearty beef and vegetable stew that can be made in the slow-cooker is a family favorite. It is also the backbone for an excellent beef soup, if you...
This easy to prepare yet oh-so-elegant soup is a favorite at my house. Because it has a slightly sweet taste, the kids love it, and it's my husband's favorite...
Here's my version of a traditional Mexican 'Guisado de Puerco en Chile Verde' (Green Chile and Pork stew). It is bursting with flavor, and is mildly-spicy....
Don't throw away the ham bone -- make bean soup! Plan a little bit ahead and use a ham bone to make this gluten-free soup. With just a few basic ingredients...
The thickest and most delicious potato soup ever. I created this soup after having a similar soup at a restaurant. Incredible comfort food with ease! It's...
This makes a very thick vegetarian split pea soup. To make it thinner, reduce the amount of split peas or add more water. Depending on the density of split...
There is nothing better on a chilly, damp day than a steaming bowl of potato leek soup; and conversely, few things are as delicious and refreshing on a...
A delicious, creamy textured soup without the cream. The secret is in the beans! This soup is an all time favorite in my family. Serve hot or cold with...
Easy to make and delicious. Vegetable broth, barley, and lots of veggies make this soup hearty and filling. I use and recommend organic products. Please...
This dish depends on how much of each ingredient you put in it. It just depends on how much you wish to make. This dish takes a while to prepare and to...
Hearty chicken chili with a bit of zip from RO*TELĀ® tomatoes. Cream cheese makes it richer and creamier than a standard broth-based white chicken chili....
Roasted fresh corn and potato chowder is hard to beat on a chilly day! For a twist, add just a few ounces of smoked salmon and have an incredible British...
With flavors reminiscent of Morocco and Mexico, this easy yet richly-flavored stew contains loads of chicken, vegetables, and some surprising spices! If...
Just like grandma used to make. Very little work goes into this homemade beef stew but it was always made with love. Serve with saltine crackers or yeast...
This is a favorite home meal from my mom. My sister had to write while my mom cooked in order to get the recipe right. It's easy and will impress anyone....
This delicious soup has only 6 ingredients. It was given to me by my boyfriend's mom who adapted it from another recipe. It can be as thick or thin as...